Action Planning

Now that you have thought about barriers to inclusive ECDE where you live, consider the following action-oriented questions:

  • Can you identify an advocacy target in your context who has the power to address these barriers?
  • How could you use this section of the video to influence this individual?
  • This could be at a rally, informal meeting, one to one, through an online/broadcast advertising campaign.
  • What message would you be trying to send?

Think about the questions above and then use the step chart below to make a simple advocacy action plan that will help you to make a start.

Questions on the step chart:

  • What is your key message about barriers to inclusive ECDE?
  • Who has the power to address the barrier you’ve identified?
  • Where, when and how will you share your message?
  • How will you know if it worked?

Click the button below to share your notes.

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