11.2 Step 2: Choose pilot schools

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Method for choosing schools

The teacher training programme in your context will probably start fairly small-scale. You will need to choose some pilot schools whose teachers will be the first to be trained by the Principal Trainers.

For step 2 in Zambia, a multi-sectoral team worked on choosing 6 schools for the pilot phase. The team consisted of representatives from Ministry of General Education at district and provincial level, community development, health, social welfare representatives, DPOs and NAD.

A detailed set of criteria was developed to help decide which schools to include. The team first shortlisted 12 schools and then a questionnaire was used to collect information from them. A day was spent assessing each school in-depth, through key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and observations

The data was collated and summarised, and selection recommendations were made to the Provincial Education Office. The Office met with representatives from each district education board, and representatives from the study team and NAD to review finding and make the final school selection. Chosen schools then participated in a preparatory meeting.

How will schools react to being selected?

Being chosen as a school for an inclusive education programme may be quite frightening for the school. Even if the school meets the criteria on your list, even if there is general interest or willingness to work on becoming more inclusive, you may need to support the school and community to overcome their fears and worries.

Watch the next video. The deputy head teacher for Riverview Primary and Secondary Inclusive School explains the fears and challenges the school experienced when it was first selected for the inclusive education programme in Zambia.

You can read a transcript of this video.

Next is an activity to help you explore the selection criteria.