2.4. Overcoming barriers in Zambian schools Copy

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Staff from some of the schools and institutions involved in the Zambian inclusive education programme shared their thoughts and experiences on how they have tried to improve attitudes, the environment, practices and resources.

Your task

Download this table in Word. It will help you to make notes while you watch the videos.

Watch the 5 videos on this page. It will take about 1 hour 15 minutes to watch them all, but if you are busy, you can watch one or two now, and then come back and watch more later.

While watching, make notes about:

  • What barriers to inclusion did you see or hear about?
  • How do these barriers affect presence, participation and/or achievement?
  • What ideas for overcoming barriers did you see or hear about?
  • What other ideas for overcoming barriers could you suggest?
  • Your personal reflections (e.g. what do you think about what you saw/heard; how do the experiences in the videos compare with your own context?).

You will be asked to upload a Word document containing your notes on the next page.

OK, let’s visit the schools!

Video about attitudes (11 minutes)

You can read a transcript of this video.

Video about the environment (30 minutes)

You can read a transcript of this video.

Video about practice (22 minutes)

You can read a transcript of this video.

Video about resources (5 minutes)

You can read a transcript of this video.

Video about Covid-19 (6.5 minutes)

The Covid-19 pandemic is the reason you are experiencing this tour of Zambian schools via a computer and not in person. It is having a huge impact on education, on schools and their communities, and on the physical and mental wellbeing of millions of people. In this video the head teacher at Shungu school shares his thoughts and concerns about the virus and what it means for his school community.

You can read a transcript of this video.

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