6.1. What is active learning?

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Active learning strategies enable learners to be active in the learning process.


  • encourage speaking and listening: talking is fundamental to the process of explaining, learning and understanding;
  • are collaborative: learners work and make progress together;
  • motivate: learners have the opportunity for active participation;
  • are thought-provoking: the emphasis is on enquiry, problem-solving and extending knowledge;
  • are varied: appealing to and teaching a range of different learning styles.

Your task

Watch this 13-minute film. It is programme 7 within EENET’s film package, ‘An Inclusive Day’.

(Please note, where the film is blurred, this has been done deliberately to hide the identities of teachers and learners – it is not a technical fault.)

You can read a transcript of this video.

Download this table and use it to make a list of all the active learning approaches that teachers use in the film. Look for the activities, resources and strategies used. For example, you may spot the use of talking and listening, pair-work or role play.

Make notes about which approaches you are or are not familiar with.

Also think about other inclusive active learning strategies that you know about, which were not shown or mentioned in the film.

Once you have watched the film and made notes, check this list that the facilitators made. Did they notice anything you missed? Did you notice anything they missed?